ENGLISH EDITION – For years now, until the Chanel fashion show Airlines, we spoke of the amazing Chanel ss 2016, Gate at the Grand Palais where “beautiful pilots – models” with double-breasted suits and shawl collars without lapels, embarked with the Chanel Airlines along with beautiful models of the Spring Summer 2016 collection , could glimpse the subtle but sophisticated design by Karl Lagerfeld , quietly, slowly, has included in its collections some male leaders who suggest a possible amplification of your creative message even to the imaginary masculine.
ITALIAN EDITION – Chanel FW 2016 – Arriva l’uomo Chanel?
Da anni ormai, sino alla sfilata Chanel Airlines, quella per intenderci dell’incredibile Chanel Gate al Grand Palais del ss 2016, in cui “bellissimi piloti – modelli” con abiti doppio petto e colli sciallati senza revers, si imbarcavano con la Chanel Airlines insieme alle splendide modelle della collezione Spring Summer 2016, si poteva intravedere il sottile ma, sofisticato disegno di Karl Lagerfeld che, in silenzio, pian piano, ha inserito nelle sue collezioni alcuni capi maschili che fanno intravedere una possibile amplificazione del suo messaggio creativo anche all’immaginario maschile.

ENGLISH EDITION – It would certainly be disruptive that Chanel collection designed by Karl, in his own image and likeness, would do more converts than imaginable. I guess already shirts with starched collars and leather gloves in a total look “black” good and tight pants, low rise, worn by models with a Halo “sexy-cursed” to Jim Morrison, Mick Jagger, to Nick Cave or David Bowie, but in the meantime Let’s enjoy these pearls of beauty that the great designer has given us.
This year, unlike in the past, when some male leaders seemed to support creative decoration of the show, we have seen some significant articles that appear as a “microcollection men”.
ITALIAN EDITION – Sarebbe certamente dirompente una collezione uomo Chanel disegnata da Karl, a sua immagine e somiglianza, e certamente farebbe più proseliti di quanti se ne possano immaginare. Immagino già camicie con colli inamidati e guanti di pelle in un total look “black” da favola e pantaloni stretti a vita bassa, indossato da modelli con un alone “sexy – maledetto” alla Jim Morrison, alla Mick Jagger, alla Nick Cave o alla David Bowie, ma intanto godiamoci queste perle di bellezza che il grande designer ci ha regalato.

Already among the many invited, as you can see from the photos of the gallery dedicated to the event, you could catch a glimpse of some pieces Chanel worn by men, and even Pharrel Williams, guest and viewer of the show, short, blond hair was presented with a Canary, and a Chanel coat.
ITALIAN EDITION – In un Grand Palais ritrasformato in una mega atelier bianco e oro, dove tutti gli invitati, ognuno seduto in “Front Row”, hanno potuto godere dei particolari di questa rivoluzionaria e innovativa collezione Chanel, si sono visti sfilare alcun capi che indicano la direzione di una nuova e moderna relazione tra la moda e l’orizzonte delineato da Karl.
If you want to buy them, the clothes are purchased only Paris and are not spread elsewhere, and this fact indicates how the creative force behind Chanel has also transmitted in a man’s world and its energy is contaminating all the creative landscape of Fashion.
ITALIAN EDITION – Nelle fashion week milanesi FW 2016 di Armani e Cavalli si sono visti pezzi maschili sfilare insieme a quelli femminili, ma in questo caso la novità è la compiutezza di una “capsule collection” maschile in un contesto assolutamente “unico e femminile”.

ENGLISH EDITION – Since last year, during the Cannes film festival, in a wonderful dinner of Vanity Fair where they were guests, along with Hollywood celebrities, Karl Lagerfeld and his entourage. I had noticed some employees wear Chanel jackets, but I had given too much weight. It seemed to come from the women’s collection were it not for the seemingly fit for men.
Now, however, this “Capsule Collection” men showed all its evocative power, and the sense of accomplishment given by these few leaders, enshrined once and for all how now Chanel global fashion imaginationmeans.
ITALIAN EDITION – Sin dall’anno scorso, durante il festival di Cannes, in una meravigliosa cena di Vanity Fair in cui erano stati ospiti, insieme a celebrities Hollywoodiane, Karl Lagerfeld e il suo entourage, avevo notato alcuni suoi collaboratori indossare giacche Chanel, ma non gli avevo dato troppo peso, poichè sembravano provenire dalla collezione femminile se non fosse per le vestibilità apparentemente maschili.
ENGLISH EDITION – A young man, cool, but at the same time classic if classic means to bealways abreast of the times and grasp the most refined sensibilities.
If you’re in Paris next year and passed from the Boutique Chanel and want to have a look, go to see the collection, maybe together with your friends and enjoy a day at Chanel!
You will all be happy!!
ITALIAN EDITION – Un uomo giovane, cool, ma allo stesso tempo classico se classico significa essere sempre al passo con i tempi e coglierne le sensibilità più raffinate.