Albert Watson will certainly be remembered by the “Digital Native Generation”, the daughter of the digital generation World, for the photo of Steve Jobs of Apple is in many ways similar to the symbol of John Lennon, or that of Ghandi, which Steve Jobs himself He had in his house and who were a source of inspiration for himself and his work. This is the full interview of my meeting in Venice took place the day before his investiture as Officer of the Order of the British Empire. We met in the afternoon and we had tea by the sea and then when he felt ready we started the interview. It ‘was an unforgettable event, we talked for hours, Albert was found besides a great photographer and a male lover curious about life and everything that has to do with creativity. In light of what he told me, you can also see the full interview in the video (found also in the end pages) or the cut, we touched on many topics of human creativity and, if there had been time, we would continue to hours.
Albert Watson verrà sicuramente ricordato dalla “Digital Native Generation”, la generazione figlia del digital World, per la foto di Steve Jobs di Apple che è per molti versi simile a quella simbolo di John Lennon, o a quella di Ghandi, che lo stesso Steve Jobs aveva all’interno di casa sua e che erano fonte di ispirazione per se e il suo lavoro. Questa è l’intervista integrale del mio incontro a Venezia avvenuto il giorno prima della sua investitura a Ufficiale dell’Ordine dell’impero Britannico. Ci siamo incontrati il pomeriggio e abbiamo preso un tè in riva al mare e poi quando si è sentito pronto abbiamo iniziato l’intervista. E’ stato un evento indimenticabile, abbiamo parlato per ore, Albert si è rilevato oltre che un grande fotografo un’uomo appassionato e curioso della vita e di tutto ciò che ha a che fare con la creatività. Alla luce di quanto mi ha raccontato, che potete vedere anche nei video della intervista integrale (la trovate anche a fine pagine) o in quella tagliata, abbiamo toccato tantissimi argomenti della creatività umana e, se ce ne fosse stato il tempo, avremmo continuato per ore.
Venezia – Isola di San Clemente – 25 giugno 2015
1 Audrey – When is starting your passion for photography?
1 – Audrey – Quando è iniziata la passione per la fotografia?
Albert Watson – To me is an automatic way of seeing, and of course you’re trying to create something for you as well as myself, something magical than something sometimes mysterious. What you doing really was stealing second of time, I’m freezing the second of time and sometimes of course hundredth of a second of time, you’re freezing something on time and it’s a wonderful thing that photography can do it, really stops time. Is the only device in a way that stopped that one second of time……it just stops a fragment of time. See here the video reponse
Earlier on…. i think…i realised that I had a lot of disappointments. I would take a picture and I would look at the picture at the minute taking it and thinking it was a masterpiece, then the next day quite so good, and the day after they drew the picture out, so therefore there was a problem there…..Why am i trying out a picture that I don’t was a masterpiece. Most of the problems are resulted from lights, that alike ability to make connection to control the light, and to manipulate the light and to make sure, what i was seeing, was been recorded by the camera. So this trip along time especially in the beginning so conquering light was really that is one of the most important things a photographer can do, otherwise it’s always frustrating, you I was disappointed unless you do that. See here the video reponse
Audrey – Cosa cerca il fotografo nella “luce”?
Albert Watson – Alfred Hitckcook was the first famous person that I photographed, and it goes at the age of 29 years old maybe 30 so i was very nervous and i was just as the film school…,coming from film school that was really a problem….in other words ….and it was overwhelming. So i remember going in there, arriving at the place going through security and it was really a major major problem for me , psychologically however and I remember swearing at and remember, and then we walked in and I think he understand that Was that nervous but he was absolutely fantastic with me, can you help me with assurance I was very lucky tire was goodbye considered this event was one of the most important to me because after the event I gained confidence in confidence as a main photography to be confident, especially with people. See here the video reponse
Audrey – Sei stato nominato “Ufficiale dell’impero Britannico” che è un’onorificenza che ti avvicina alla nomina di “Baronetto o Sir” come Alfred Hitckcook. Cosa ricordi di lui?
Albert Watson – Alfred Hitchcok è stato il primo personaggio famoso che ho fotografato, e all’età di 29 o forse 30 anni, ero molto nervoso perché avevo finito la scuola di cinema, ed è stato davvero un problema davvero travolgente. Ricordo di essere andato sul set, passando attraverso la sicurezza, e per me è stato un grosso problema psicologico. Me lo ricordo …lo giuro, ricordo che è entrato e penso abbia capito che ero un po’ nervoso, ma è stato assolutamente fantastico con me, mi ha aiutato nelle riprese e.. così… sono stato molto fortunato. Guardo sempre indietro e considero questo incontro come uno dei più importanti, perchè dopo questo incontro ho preso fiducia, e la fiducia è l’ingrediente più importante della fotografia: devi avere fiducia.. soprattutto con le persone . Guarda qui la risposta video
5 Audrey – What type of energy is born durign a phographic shoot?
Albert Watson – Yes i think it’s an intimate moment that you have..his connection with somebody and.. it really doesn’t matter if it’s our president United States or …a porter in the market in Marrakesh , which I’ve done…. i try to make the same connection …with somebody: famous or not famous, you make the same connection and also you trying very hard to relax the person, because sometimes even celebrities that are photographed over time… sometimes they are nervous, and very often are nervous. So what’s important is to make this sitter, the person i are photographing, feel confident and not nervous. See here the video reponse
Audrey – Che tipo di energia si crea durante uno scatto fotografico?
Albert Watson – Credo sia un momento intimo: creo un legame con qualcuno e non importa se sei il presidente degli Stati uniti o un facchino del mercato di Marrakech. Cerco di creare lo stesso legame con chi è famoso o con chi non lo è, provo a cercare un legame e cerco fortemente di rilassare la persona, perché a volte anche le celebrities che sono fotografate sempre….a volte sono nervose…anzi molto spesso sono nervose, Quindi ciò che è importante è rendere il soggetto, la persona che stai fotografando ha fiducia ed è rilassata. Guarda qui la risposta video
6 Audrey – What is the essence of your “Creative Vision”
Albert Watson – I think I’m lucky because I found a passion for something in particular, photography but beyond that is behind us as a passion for art music aspect of art, actually even dance, i go to the opera, i go to the ballet, I spend a lot of time in gallery, so therefore you I have constantly call passion for art as I have for photography and I find a place and is very inspiring and inspiring to better things. See here the video reponse
Audrey – Quale è il segreto della tua “Visone artistica”?
7Audrey – What is Style for you?
Albert Watson – The Style is quite important, with the style comes a certain amount of recognisability, so the people recognise your style. When you look my pictures that are very easy way to the look the pictures because I was trained as a graphic designer so in my work you see graphics, i was training the film school as a director and you see direction, and the third is quite simply a combination of the first two, graphics and film together, so when you look at it you can almost divide the pictures that are taken into one of those three categories.See here the video reponse
Audrey – Cosa è per te lo Style e quale è il tuo Style?
8 Audrey – What Style do you like in the fashion world and in the art world?
Audrey – Nel Fashion quale Style preferisci e nel mondo dell’arte?
9Audrey – What or who would like to photograph that you not photograph yet?
Albert Watson – Avrei voluto fotografare Madonna, anzi l’avrei dovuta fotografare, ma il servizio fotografico fu annullato, per non precisate “ragioni giornalistiche”. Io mi sono incontrato con lei, e ho parlato con lei per un’ora…ma poi…non ci siamo sentiti. Forse adesso è troppo tardi e mi dispiace per questo… a parte questo io fotografo tutti quelli che desiderano essere fotografati…ovviamente.. e sono sempre interessato a tutto quello che ci circonda…al domani.. naturalmente.
Guarda qui la risposta video
10 Audrey – Do you like to day…the Pirelli calendar?
Albert Watson –Two things you look at the person and you’re looking at the person as psychologically as this person what is achieved what are his abilities, or sometimes a Midsummer you don’t know you don’t know if they’re what they do anything at, I you look at the geography or their face, you look at their the mountains and the valleys of the faces….See here the video reponse
Audrey – Come decidi come scattare una persona?
Albert Watson – tomorrow we go to Buckingham Palace… tomorrow morning… so we going to 10 o’clock I don’t know the exact time because the invitation for their event is waiting for me at the hotel……… is the “investiture” is called investiture…. it’s an award ceremony and the country invests something in your, they give you a medal….See here the video reponse
Audrey – Che tipo di investitura riceverai domani?
in basso il video integrale